The gemstone Beryl revers to all varities of the beryl group which are not emerald-green
or aquamarine blue. The name is derived from teh Greek Beryllos, possible of Indian
origin, although the meaning is not knowen. The german word for specticle glasses;
brille, is derived from it. spectical optics were made from clear Beryl. Prechious
Beryl refers to all of the above Beryls, and is also used for all prechious stones from the
Beryl group. Many color varities have special names in the traid. All are resistant to
chemicals with the exseption of fluoric acid. They are brittle and easily damaged by
knocks. They have a vitreous luster, and occur with aquamarine.
pink, colorless
long prisms
aluminium beryllium silicate
yellow, yellow
Heliodor: weak; golden yellow,
Morganite: Definate; pale pink,
Green: Definate; yellow-green